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About Us

Providing Nutritious Meals and Peace of Mind Since 1974

Cabarrus Meals on Wheels is a non-profit organization that provides eligible homebound seniors and individuals with disabilities within Cabarrus County a well-balanced, nutritious meal 5 days a week. Our deliveries not only provide meals but also support and peace of mind that help seniors remain in their own homes longer, delaying or avoiding alternate living arrangements or nursing care. Also, temporary service is available to help recently hospitalized clients meet their nutritional needs during their recovery period.

Founded in 1974 as Concord Meals on Wheels, this program has grown over the years to include all of Cabarrus County. Hunger among our senior neighbors is as relevant as ever before and remains a serious issue. One out of every seven seniors go hungry every day.

We prepare the client meals each morning and rely on loyal volunteers to deliver the meals while simultaneously offering a safety check at the time of delivery to disadvantaged seniors in Kannapolis, Concord, and surrounding areas. A warm meal, friendly smile, and safety check allow these seniors to continue living independently in their own homes, where they want to be.

Fighting to End Senior Hunger


To provide one well-balanced hot meal a day each weekday to individuals who are unable to prepare meals for themselves and have no one to prepare one hot meal a day for them.


Meals On Wheels deliveries help individuals remain independent in their homes longer, delaying or avoiding alternate living arrangements or nursing care. Also, temporary service helps recently hospitalized clients meet their nutritional needs during their recovery period.


Clients are charged for meals on a sliding scale according to their ability to pay. Over 80% of clients pay less than one-half the cost of the meal. Sponsorships are available to those who are unable to pay for their meals.


Cabarrus Meals on Wheels, Inc. is funded by client fees, donations, United Way, and grants.

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Volunteer on Your Lunch Break

Drop off a warm meal and get more than you expect.

50th Anniversary Cabarrus Meals on Wheels logo
Meals on Wheels America 2024 badge

342 Penny Lane NE
Concord NC 28025

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© Cabarrus Meals on Wheels. All rights reserved.
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