You may donate to the John and Cindy Barnhardt Fund in memory of John and Cindy. Anyone may donate funds to the account by clicking on the donation button below or by designating “John Barnhardt Memorial Fund” in the note section of their check. Funds will be deposited into a separate account. Funds will be used to pay for sponsorship of clients who are unable to pay for their own meals, a cause that was very close to John’s heart, as well as operations of the organization.
John and Cindy Barnhardt were a very integral part of Cabarrus Meals on Wheels for over 20 years. John was a local business owner who sat on the Board of Directors for several years. He was a vital part of the growth of Cabarrus Meals on Wheels and it was his dream to see that all seniors have a meal. After his passing in December 2006, his wife Cindy took over his seat on the Board and worked tirelessly to fulfill John’s dream. Before Cindy’s death in June 2008, she set up the John Barnhardt Fund for Meals on Wheels so their dream could live on.