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Our History

The need for a local Meals On Wheels program was determined in a survey by the Salisbury District of United Methodist Churches. A public meeting was held in August 1974 with a slide presentation by the High Point Meals On Wheels program. From this a planning committee was formed. In October, bylaws were established for Concord Meals On Wheels and a board of directors elected.  Deliveries began on February 3, 1975 with eight clients and four drivers. Volunteers ran the program and meals were prepared by Cabarrus County Schools and Cabarrus Nursing Center.

Ms. Anna Pat Bailey (pictured with Executive Director Kimberly Strong) was recognized at the 40th Anniversary Celebration and Soup Sampling for being the first Executive Director of Cabarrus Meals on Wheels from 1974-1984.

For over 20 years, John and Cindy Barnhardt were a very integral part of Cabarrus Meals on Wheels. John was a local business owner who sat on the Board of Directors for several years. He was a vital part of the growth of Cabarrus Meals on Wheels and it was his dream to see that all seniors have a meal. After his passing in December 2006, his wife Cindy took over his seat on the Board and worked tirelessly to fulfill John’s dream. Before Cindy’s death in June 2008, she set up the John Barnhardt Fund for Meals on Wheels so their dream could live on.

You may donate to the John and Cindy Barnhardt Fund in memory of John and Cindy. Anyone may donate funds to the account by clicking on the donation button below or by designating “John Barnhardt Memorial Fund” in the note section of their check. Funds will be deposited into a separate account. Funds will be used to pay for sponsorship of clients who are unable to pay for their own meals, a cause that was very close to John’s heart, as well as operations of the organization.

Historical Timeline

  • 1975

    Deliveries began on February 3, 1975 with eight clients and four drivers. Volunteers ran the program and meals were prepared by Cabarrus County Schools and Cabarrus Nursing Center. 2,275 meals were served, 7-16 daily. There were 34 volunteers.

  • 1976

    A second route in Concord was added.

  • 1977

    The name was changed to Cabarrus Meals On Wheels and we became a United Way Agency. Service was expanded to Kannapolis.

  • 1978

    Cabarrus Memorial Hospital began meals preparation. Service was expanded to Mt. Pleasant.

  • 1989

    Service was expanded to include Harrisburg.

  • 1990

    25,189 meals were served to a total of 225 clients. We had ten routes.

  • 1992

    Service was expanded to include Midland/Flowes Store.

  • 1994

    Service was expanded to Miami Church Road area. A fifth Concord route was added. 36,814 meals were served to 284 clients on 13 routes.

  • 1995

    34,412 meals were served to 259 clients on 13 routes.

  • 1996

    A route in Kannapolis was added. First fund raising luncheon and silent auction was held.

  • 1997

    Two routes were added bring the total number of routes to 16 and expanding our service area to Township. Second annual fund raiser was held.

  • 2000

    Collaborated with the Department of Aging to obtain grant funding to expand our service to those on our waiting list and those living in areas outside our current delivery areas.

  • 2004

    Route 17 opened.

  • 2005

    Route 18 opened in February; Route 19 in May; and Route 20 in October. Obtained United Way Focus Grant to provide weekend frozen meals WAAM).

  • 2006

    Route 21 opened in May in Kannapolis.

  • 2007

    Route 22 opened on March 1 in Kannapolis; Route 23 and 24 opened in August in Mt. Pleasant; Rt. 6 (reconfigured) opened November 1 in Concord; surpassed 300 clients per day.

  • 2008

    We served our One-Millionth Meal in November of 2008.

  • 2009

    Began preparing meals fresh daily in own kitchen.

  • 2011

    Opened Route 30 in the Logan Community area.

  • 2014

    Celebrated our 40th Anniversary at our Annual Soup Sampling event.

  • 2018

    Received a check for $17,170 from Subaru Concord from the Share the Love Event.
    Celebrated our 15th Annual Sunday Soup Sampling Event.

  • 2020

    Never missed one day delivering meals to the homebound during the COVID-19 pandemic.
    Moved into new facility in Concord in September of 2020.

  • 2021

    Purchased new facility in Concord.

Volunteer on Your Lunch Break

Drop off a warm meal and get more than you expect.

50th Anniversary Cabarrus Meals on Wheels logo
Meals on Wheels America 2024 badge

342 Penny Lane NE
Concord NC 28025

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